Ushizi osiweyo kwi-nori

I-Pancake kwi-chickpeas kunye ne-algae Amafestile entlanzi ayakuthanda esi sidlo. I-recipe kulula ukuyilungisa kwaye iyakuthabatha ngokuzithemba indawo yeendwendwe eziqhelekileyo kwietafile zokutya. I-chickpeas e-Crispy eneziqholo, kunye ne-taste and sea filling will be friends of rice, iifatata ezifihliweyo okanye i-pasta. Ukuba awunayo i-chickpea powshini, ngoko unokuzipheka ngokwakho. Kwanele ukuba i-chickpea i-peas kwipilisi okanye kwiprosesa yokutya, uze uhlume ngesihlunu esihle. Okanye sebenzisa ingqolowa okanye umgubo.

I-Pancake kwi-chickpeas kunye ne-algae Amafestile entlanzi ayakuthanda esi sidlo. I-recipe kulula ukuyilungisa kwaye iyakuthabatha ngokuzithemba indawo yeendwendwe eziqhelekileyo kwietafile zokutya. I-chickpeas e-Crispy eneziqholo, kunye ne-taste and sea filling will be friends of rice, iifatata ezifihliweyo okanye i-pasta. Ukuba awunayo i-chickpea powshini, ngoko unokuzipheka ngokwakho. Kwanele ukuba i-chickpea i-peas kwipilisi okanye kwiprosesa yokutya, uze uhlume ngesihlunu esihle. Okanye sebenzisa ingqolowa okanye umgubo.

Izithako: Imiyalelo